Portland Maine had an amazing bulk trash pick-up. Twice a year it was a blow-out event that seemed like ½ the town was putting stuff on their curb and the other ½ was picking it up. John enjoyed bulk trash pick-up tremendously and never tired of driving around for hours, looking for the perfect find. He always found incredible things and they came in especially handy for “Tossed & Found”. Unfortunately as of last year Portland eliminated the bulky item festival due to budget cuts.

John sifting through a pile of household debris with the guidance of the curious homeowner.

An incredible example of how not everything found on the street is trash: we came across this treasure trove of pottery lined up neatly on a wood shelf under a free sign. Signed "Jeffery Lipton", he is obviously very talented. If this is what he's throwing out, imagine what he's keeping.

I'm not quite sure what to say about this huge mooring ball John dragged home except that he absolutely loves it.
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1 comment:
so beautiful
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