We bought this old faux fireplace at an estate sale last week. Made by Sears in 1974, it's designed to go against a wall, and comes with rolling, crackling, lighted logs and a fan/heater with dial control. The estate also had a matching one in avocado green, but someone had already taken it away. For ten dollars, I don't know why they wouldn't have bought this one as well- imagine them back-to-back in the center of a room... Nonetheless, our plan is to paint it white (aged white, the same as its wall) and replace the chrome with wood (patinated and slightly charred), or the same white and built out a little for a mantle, and put it in a future living room,

as here, in Halldor Laxness' home in Reykjavik Iceland. (thanks F.A.B.)

Holy crap!! My parents have an identical fireplace (down to the color) in the house which I grew up in. I was hoping I'd never have to see it again, but I do love your idea for transforming it into something chic.
Wow! You guys have such an incredible gift for seeing the potential in things that others would just cast aside. It'll look great!!
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