West German WESO
ceramic tile stove, from a yard sale. When we finally got it's 440 pounds home and tried to bring it upstairs it crushed the first step, so the next 15 were not in the cards. But when we do finally install it it's going to heat our whole chalet, and we can even cook on it! (see pic).
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oof, that's one bulky, gnarly stove. well done though!
Woah, that is excellent!
this is out of control gorgeousness.. never hear or seen one of these.
i expect a follow up once its installed...
david john
What a lucky find! We had one in the house I grew up in and wish I could find one again. It kept the house warm all night!
Did you get it put in?
No, unfortunately we're still in our apartment, and it's just acting like a table in the studio . But once we buy a house its going to be activated! (Can't wait!)
White ! Mine is Burganduy
I bought it in 1978 and it has traveled with me from Ohio to Seattle and back to Ohio.
I could stoke it once a night and it would burn for over 10 hours.
hey good luck with all that - no sarcasm intended. I cooked on that stove when the power went out in the Sierra Nevadas where I grew up. Those stoves could heat just about anything. They were more efficient than our big fire place so it ran all winter. You'd never have known it was between 20 below and 10 above outside. What did you pay for yours? If you dont mind -
My parents have had a WESO stove (olive green) for about 25 years. Still going strong. Theirs has some accessories like a 12" white stand and a small oven-like box on top.
I have a brown-tile version of this stove, with ball feet, though I haven't installed it yet. As the Weso ad in your post says, you can remove the tile panels, grates, etc., to move it, so you don't have to lug all 440 lb. at once. Good luck with yours!
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