From 3 different yard sales: above, an Invicta-striped Regent Belt Co. bag, an old Swiss leather and canvas creel, and yet another old L.L. Bean duffle, this time with the old cursive label and a nice patina to the webbing (that was how I tried to explain the purchase to Linda). Top, a vintage Jansport internal frame pack with its lower outside rack sawn off. This makes it a Kanken-like super sturdy backpack. Below that is a pair of vintage Bean hunting boots in children's size, which they don't make anymore, and never too soon to shop for back-to-school 2016.
Total for everything was 7 dollars, which is hard to resist.
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Wow. Great finds!
$7 total? Show off.
Those boots are killing me. Nice work
i need one of those ll bean duffles. if u ever want to get rid of one, let me know.
Have you ever read The Tightwad Gazette? She buys her children's clothes years in advance at yard sales, then stores them in bins in the attic according to age of child/size of clothing. I suppose it helps to have an attic.
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