
Miscellaneous photos from our Instagram

Black Forest #mercedes

#tbt Actual 1970's pottery made by an 11 year old me, 1978

Lunch at Citicorp Center, 1980. I love all if this. #Bertoia #shagrug #HughStubbins #shopping #lunch #Conrans

#twosday House & Garden, 1963 #whynot

Candle making #warymeyerscandles

I love white brick. That blue behind the house is the ocean, not the sky.

#itsbetterinthebahamas #typography #1974

Big pink lightning from a little coconut cloud



The Gade house, Laguna Beach, by Thornton Ladd and John Kelsey. On the page after those two raccoons, House & Garden, 1963. Photo by Ezra Stoller. #yesplease

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