January 1953 Eames DCM (Dining Chair Metal), originally belonging to an NCO (Non Commissioned Officers) Mess Hall. It came into our hands with a 25 cents sticker on it, from a weekend yard sale- but- no one bought it, so it was left on the side of the road with some other stuff and a "free" sign. Our landlord spotted it on a Tuesday, and put it in his truck. After doing some work at our place I walked out with him and said "Woah!" then I traded a lamp for it, which, as Linda tells me, we had already given him a couple years earlier. Crazy!
I love Eames, and I also love old Army stuff, and typography, markings, etc... so the bottom of the chair is especially cool. I'm not sure what the Eames "0 #7" -stamped above "1 53"-means, or the Army (Navy?)"1 35". Or the masking tape on the rod in front of the "DCM" embossment. The biggest mystery though is why no one bought it for a quarter. Is it a Magic chair that had to make its way to us? The Force? That aside, imagine what that Mess Hall looked like!
Related- Fort Bragg NCO mess hall in 1954- cool, but not as cool without the Eames:

can you believe it. love stories like this!
So lucky!! That's pretty much the nicest chair ever.
I found an Eames shell chair with a Lufthansa logo on it on the street in my neighborhood--I thought that was cool.
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